Improve the syndrome of deficiency of kidney yin; steaming hot bones of deficiency of fire on inflammation; or toothache, dry tongue and sore throat, thirst embolism caused by a deficiency of inflammation on fire. It can treat high blood pressure, diabetes, chronic nephritis, bronchial asthma, urination, and menopausal syndrome.
- Lower back weakness due to the Kidney Ying deficiency, which may manifest as weakness and soreness of the waist and legs, easily sweating and a sensation of feeling the heat in the body such as hot flashes, a pale complexion, and tiredness, lightheadedness, declined vision, or occasional ringing in the ears associated with aging. These are often complaints about people, especially professionals who spend hours in front of a computer each day and who are getting older (e.g., over 40).
- Sexual wellness. In the case of Kidney Ying deficiency, one may experience poor male performance. The back feels weak the next day and it takes longer to achieve a follow-up erection.
- Support glucose levels that are already in the normal range. TCM considers glucose has the nature of Yin. Supplementing Yin energy may help support normal glucose levels.
- Support a smooth menopausal transition. Temporary hot flashes associated with menopause is a sign of Yin deficiency.
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It has the effect of nourishing kidney and yin, can improve immunity and regulate metabolic function